How You Can Prevent Ingrown Hairs?

There is nothing wrong with being natural and wanting to grow your hairs, but when you do decide to remove them, it is important to be aware of certain inconveniences that can arise, including ingrown …

prevent ingrown heair

There is nothing wrong with being natural and wanting to grow your hairs, but when you do decide to remove them, it is important to be aware of certain inconveniences that can arise, including ingrown hairs. To prevent the appearance of these, it is important to know their origin and identify the warning signs.

What ingrown hair mean?

This phenomenon mainly affects people who remove hair and shave. Whether it is a neophyte or a regular, the danger is the same. Basically, it is a hair under the skin that has not been able to pass through it and therefore continues to grow underneath. The potential areas are obviously in the beard, armpits, bikini line, or pubic area in men and women.

Ingrown hair origin

Ingrown hairs occur after waxing or shaving: the hair does not grow vertically as it should after a flush cut and does not pass the epidermal barrier. The techniques that may seem the most effective are the most at risk in this treatment:

Double or triple-blade shaving: A single edge can do the trick, but with this surplus, one pulls, and the others cut low to the skin. Admittedly, the result is marked by good smoothing, but the hair will tend to evolve subcutaneously afterward. The “back hairs” is a practice that consists of working in the opposite direction of the growth of the hairs, which favors, even more, the risks of appearance of this phenomenon. This is more often the case with shaving the legs. In addition, you should know that ingrown pubic hair can only be seen after a certain time since it is hidden.

Waxing: Always like a “hair-puller,” it is done by applying a layer of wax that helps pull the hairs to the opposite side. This will have the effect of twisting the hairs, which does not bode well.

Beyond these methods to shorten the longest ones, it turns out that certain hairs, by their natural property, are more able to take shape. These are the curly or frizzy hairs that do not grow straight but in a corkscrew.

The friction of clothing which is called trauma to the skin, can also be factors of incarnation. Indeed, according to studies carried out, the epidermal surface tends to thicken and, more precisely, the horny layer in this kind of case.

Manifestation and evolution of ingrown hair

The hairs will grow, and some can get through the skin, but others curl under the skin. If, for example, you have an itchy beard, this could indicate ingrown hair.

If you try to extract it awkwardly in case of bad treatment, the ingrown hair can make your life difficult and trigger whole new inconveniences. Indeed, it can happen that an abscess forms and mutates into a lymph node or lymphangitis. You might even suddenly have high fevers.

The infected skin or which has undergone the passage of tweezers will thicken and eventually cause a scar, which does not resolve the incarnation. Worse, the hair is embodied by itself due to the absence of an exit.

Warning signs of ingrown hair

If small red bumps appear above the skin and seem to become a painful, itchy pimple, it could or should be ingrown hairs. Once infected, the pain will be felt, and this will be followed by swelling of the papule to finally arrive at an abscess stage.

Risk factors to take into account

Here is a fairly summary list of the possibilities:

 – frizzy or curly hair (natural factor)

 – the appearance of a lump under the armpit

 – thick skin

 – aftershave button

 – hair removal against the grain (with wax)

 – shaving against the grain and multiple blades

For the fairer sex, we usually come across ingrown hair on the bikini line or ingrown hair on the leg because it is these areas that are often subjected to the strain of shaving or waxing. For men, ingrown hairs are often seen on the beard and armpits.

Finally, in rare cases, it can also occur at the level of the figure. For this reason, it would be interesting to go in search of a good epilator for the face.

Ingrown hair prevention measures

To say goodbye to the resurgence of ingrown hairs, the ideal would be to simply let your hairs grow. But as this is often difficult, you can also mow them, keeping a margin of 1 or 2 millimeters.

If you think shaving is necessary and important to you, use an electric razor. And beware, popping a pimple is to be avoided. In case you go for razors with a blade, prefer the ones with a single blade, wet your skin with hot water, and use shaving gel instead of foam. For best application, consider shaving in the direction of hair growth while making the least movement. Rinsing the razor after each stroke is also recommended.

For hair removal, depilatory cream and laser hair removal also seem to be suitable. Whenever possible, always pull out hairs in the direction they grow. This last process is generally done in 4 to 8 sessions, and it must be recognized that the price is not given. However, if you want clean results and keep the hairs not growing back quickly, this is the only option available to you. On the other hand, it involves a certain danger, especially for sensitive people. Remember to consult your doctor before starting. The same thing, when you think about deflating a painful pimple, you have to be careful and apply the right method.

Treat ingrown hair

The easiest solution for infected ingrown hair is to do nothing. The more you touch the ingrown hairs, the greater the risk of infections. During your actions, you may be inserting germs, which will only improve the process and create scars. Also, avoid shaving or waxing the area. The hair could find an exit spontaneously.

Another tip that can provide relief: by applying a hot compress for 10 to 15 minutes, you will allow the hair to pierce the epidermis. This will also prevent the ingrown hair from turning into a cyst.

In some cases, if the hair happens to be visible near the surface of the skin, you can try an extraction maneuver using a sterile needle. It is just a question of clearing and digging the passage a little to leave away.

A diluted drop of tea tree essential oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) applied once or twice a day would also treat uninfected ingrown hair. If the infection reaches the abscess stage, it will be important to understand how to ripen a pimple, or rather a boil. Know then that it will be necessary to moisten the latter with a sterile and moist compression regularly during the day. This will have the effect of accelerating the formation of pus.